Provincial Center of Plastic Arts and Desing of Havana (CPAPD) – Havana – 2021
Variable dimensions
Oil on canvas, wood, Styrofoam, felt, tape, magnet, and metal
The work aims to appropriate the concept of collecting and the conservation of works of art to express social metaphors from concepts and techniques typical of these manifestations. The installation is a living work as it is infinitely complemented as new elements are acquired. It consists of the main painting with the representation of a specific piece of furniture. The rest of the images come to interact with him. The iconographies are entirely pictorial representations. With the implementation of the virtual universe, a mediated reality is assimilated. The work facilitates the possession of the element of aesthetic interest from the image as a substitute. In this way, it is possible to create personalized collections that range from objects of artistic value to others with religious, historical, or sentimental value, whether they are 3D or 2D representations of objects, according to the interests of the demand. The person who articulates the collection acquires the connotation of a curator and collector. He can modify how the whole is perceived, creating combinations subject to his intellectual heritage. The individual independence on his life experience has the ultimate power to define and connote objects, imposing himself above the intrinsic value of each element. In this way comes the conflict of how an artistic work ceases to express itself, according to the trained or inexperienced view.